Keep in mind this was done in the the earlier days of social media and before everything was broadcast live like it is now. A 30-day live-streaming event with 24/7 webcams at that time was pretty new thinking. We had no idea what would happen. But that was the beauty of the concept. The Human Doing might fail miserably. Or he would succeed with your support. But whatever the outcome, it was going to be real.
The Human Doing received quite a bit of local and national media attention. The simple message about trying to do little things to live a healthier life really seemed to resonate with people everywhere.
Special thanks to Scott Jorgensen (The Human Doing) for taking on a role like this. This certainly wasn't an easy thing to do being on full display for the entire world to see for 30 days straight, but he was a true champ about it. For the Full Human Doing Case Study, please watch the video below.
Agency: Mono Role: Art Director Designer: Tony Buckland Copywriter: Ryan Inda Creative Director: Troy Longie